Spice Up Your Allergy-Friendly Cold Weather Drinks

Cheryl Marks Young
3 min readApr 18, 2022
Spice Up Your Allergy-Friendly Cold Weather Drinks

Sure, maybe Punxsutawney Phil isn’t a fail-proof prognosticator. Whether or not you put much stock into what a rodent and his shadow predict, you can’t argue with the fact that the vernal equinox is more than six weeks away. During that span of time, we’ll likely have our fair share of bone-chilling days — the sort of days that make you want to reach for a mug filled with a steaming hot beverage that…



Cheryl Marks Young

Leadership & Financial Mgmt Consultant, Award Winning Author, Coffee Lover, Entrepreneur, Kitchen Chemist, Food Allergy Awareness Advocate, The Allergy Ninja