The world is beginning to open up again. Yes, we still pull on our face masks and keep 6 feet of distance between people that exist outside of our pods and households. We’re also, however, seeing vaccination rates increase while rates of positive cases mark a notable decline. We’re seeing capacity limits lift and we’re starting to enjoy things we have missed for the last year, like visiting with friends and family.
Our work lives are shifting, too. For some, our homes served double-duty as our workspaces even before lockdown measures shuttered office buildings. For many others, however, work-at-home was thrust upon them suddenly in March 2020 as the country shifted into lockdown mode in an attempt to control the spread of the pandemic. From Zoom meetings to establishing work-life balance when work and life co-exist in the same space, there was a learning curve. Whether you just found your groove for virtual meetings and time management or you found it early on, the idea that it’s nearing time to shift again to another dynamic may cause some mixed feelings.
Are We Ready?
Let’s be honest. “Are we ready?” has become a bit of a loaded question. The truth is there is not one right answer at this stage of the game. There are many factors to consider when it comes to transitioning your staff back into a traditional office setting…