5 Ways to Tame Your Stress in a Pandemic Era (and Beyond!)

Cheryl Marks Young
4 min readFeb 14, 2021

Working from home has its perks. It also presents its own unique set of challenges. Both pros and cons, of course, come in addition to your standard list of career-related benefits and stressors. Now, add pandemic related worries, family commitments, and all that other good stuff you’re juggling on top of the work-related highs and lows. No matter how much you love your life, you’ve got stress to deal with.

If you’re lucky, you had a system for managing your stress in your “BC” (Before-COVID) life. Maybe you had a weekly fitness class you found solace in. You planned and took fantastic family vacations. You signed-up for “just because it’s fun” classes and workshops. You met friends for dinner and drinks. You had managed to manage your stress by finding the release valve. If social distancing and other pandemic related measures put a crimp in your stress-relief protocols, while simultaneously upping your stress, take heart. There’s plenty you can do chip way at the tension and regroup in this season too.

Walk It Off

Short walks. Long walks. Walks on a treadmill. Walks in the neighborhood or at the park or on the beach. It doesn’t matter what shape your stroll takes, just get out there and do it. Exercise releases endorphins, which in turn gives you a boost in energy and mood. Walk alone…



Cheryl Marks Young

Leadership & Financial Mgmt Consultant, Award Winning Author, Coffee Lover, Entrepreneur, Kitchen Chemist, Food Allergy Awareness Advocate, The Allergy Ninja